Masitinib in Inflammatory Diseases

The severity of asthma can be graded from mild intermittent disease, with little impact on everyday life, through to severe disease with permanent symptoms and serious limitation of normal activities. Data suggests that mast cells are involved in allergic and anaphylactic reactions, playing an important role in hypersensitivity and inflammatory processes of the disease and…


AB8939 is a new small-molecule drug that binds to tubulin and induces a rapid destabilisation of microtubules. Through disorganisation of microtubules, AB8939 is able to induce the apoptosis at nanomolar concentration of a wide panel of tumor cell lines, in particular hematopoietic tumor cell lines (i.e. cancers that affect the blood and lymph system) and…

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Foire Aux Questions

EN QUOI LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE D’AB SCIENCE EST-ELLE INNOVANTE ?   La recherche d’AB Science sur le masitinib, sa molécule phare, vise à fournir des solutions thérapeutiques innovantes dans trois domaines principaux de la médecine: l’oncologie, les maladies inflammatoires et les maladies neurologiques.   AB Science a fait l’hypothèse que les mastocytes jouent un rôle…